
Date from – Date to  








2023 – Ongoing UK based Sustainable Fibre Alliance (SFA) Short-term Consultant helping to develop fund raising proposals, concept notes, supporting the establishment of the Rangeland Stewardship and Research Council, and developing investor access to ecosystem services impact assessments. https://sustainablefibre.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Rangeland-Stewardship-CoP_pamphlet.pdf
2021 – Ongoing Mozambique WWF Mozambique Mt Mabu Conservation Project – Technical Advisor Science and Conservation Technical Advisor towards creating a new Protected Area for Monte Mabu forest in Zambezia, Mozambique. European Union funding.
2022 – 2023 Malawi World Bank Group (WBG) Short-term Consultant Review of 5x ToRs to engage consultants and support planning of activities for the SVTP phase 2.

1x working paper on Kasungu National Park to help guide a possible future Bank investment at this site.


2022 – Ongoing Mozambique ReGeCom Mt Mabu Conservation Project – Technical Advisor Science and Conservation Technical Advisor towards creating a new Protected Area for Monte Mabu forest in Zambezia, Mozambique. Rainforest Trust funding.
2022 Malawi World Bank Group (WBG) Short-term Consultant 1x Consultancy report on a ‘Brief biodiversity assessment of a possible

extraction site for the SVTP coffer dam at Kapichira Falls Dam’. Malawi.

1x ‘A note on Biodiversity Values in Malawian Forests’ and 1x ‘A note on the Status of the Shire Basin’ for Malawi.


2022 UK Thuso F.Z.E. / Commonwealth Secretariat Short-term Consultant Advisor to the development of the Green Charter for the Commonwealth Secretariate ‘Commonwealth Living Lands Charter Implementation Plan: Thematic Areas and Implementation Strategies’.
2019 – 2021 Ethiopia United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) CTA for Enhanced Management and Enforcement of Ethiopia’s Protected Area Estate Project – a UNDP GEF6 project implemented through the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (EWCA) to establish an Environmental Crime Unit and help improve management in 5 protected areas in Ethiopia. https://ethiopias-elephants.com/
2021 Malawi Government of Malawi (GoM) Technical Advisor Shire Valley Transformation Program (SVTP) phase 1. Overseeing the production of a series of management plans for National Parks and Forest Reserves on the WBG GEF6 component of the SVTP-1.  https://projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/project-detail/P158805
2018 Malawi World Bank Group (WBG) Short-term Consultant Country Environment Assessment (CEA) for the Government of Malawi – co-author on the Biodiversity, Forestry, and Fisheries chapters. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/31326
2013 – 2018 Malawi Government of Malawi (GoM)

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

World Bank Group (WBG)

Technical Advisor Biodiversity and Protected Areas Specialist – The Shire River Basin Management Program. Protected area management of 6 Forest Reserves, 2 National Parks, and 1 wetland – implementing the GEF-5 portfolio and improving the management of these protected areas. Involved in all aspects of project management, ecological monitoring, ecosystem services, policy reform, ecological restoration, sustainable livelihoods,  integrated catchment management and a significant amount of biological survey: https://projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/project-detail/P117617
2012 – 2014 Mozambique Fauna & Flora International (FFI) Project Manager Mabu Forest Conservation Project. Establishing a Community Based Organisation and Protected Area for nature-based tourism at Mabu forest in northern Mozambique.


2010 – 2013 Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, & Guinea Fauna & Flora International (FFI) Regional Project Coordinator Regional Project Coordinator, West Africa – Mt. Nimba Transboundary Environmental Governance Platform Working towards the establishment of an environmental governance platform and biodiversity database for the Nimba Mountains in light of large multi-national iron ore mining of the area. The Nimba Mountains cross the border of Liberia, Cote D’Ivoire, and Guinea in west Africa.


2009 – 2012 Tanzania & UK University of Cambridge Program Coordinator & Analyst Program Coordinator & Analyst with the Conservation Science Research Group (Department of Zoology) on the Valuing the Arc program (VtA). The VtA program was a five year research and policy program that evaluated the ecosystem services of the Eastern Arc Mountains in Tanzania. Under 3 different management scenarios over a 25 yr period it demonstrated that the natural resources of the EAMs were worth more if conserved rather than exploited. The VtA was a leading Ecosystem Service assessment program funded by the Leverhulme Trust. See: https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/79804/1/Arc_Journal_Issue_29_FINAL.pdf
2010 Nigeria United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) Short-term Consultant Climate Change Programme (Nigeria). I was hired to assess the capacity of the Nigerian Department of Forestry for potential REDD+ programmes and also their ability to monitor climate change.


2006 – 2009 Malawi & Mozambique Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (RBGKew) &

Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust (MMCT)

Project Coordinator Monitoring and Managing Biodiversity Loss in South-East Africa’s Montane Ecosystems. Main responsibilities include planning and delivering biological surveys of high altitude mountains in northern Mozambique, managing project staff; managing the project budget, fundraising, strengthening and developing partnerships in the region, promoting the project (including producing high quality scientific reports and media work).
2004 – 2006 Malawi Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)  &

Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust (MMCT)

Director of Ecological Monitoring Programme Responsible for undertaking baseline biodiversity surveys and establishing an Ecological Monitoring Programme (EMP) on a World Bank Global Environment Facility (GEF4) project on Mount Mulanje, Malawi. Reporting to the WCS Africa Director I worked closely with a Malawian counterpart from MMCT to successfully establish the EMP.
2002 – 2003 UK Oxford Brookes University Postdoctoral Researcher Spatial Ecology & Landuse Unit (SELU) – Examined the potential of metapopulation modelling and spatial statistics in natural resource management in the UK following on from the results of my PhD.
1998 Madagascar Independent Project Coordinator Management and planning of microchiropteran status and distribution surveys in previously un-surveyed Madagascan rainforest. Funded by Fauna and Flora International (FFI).
1993 – 1996 Tanzania The Society for Environmental Exploration Project Coordinator Frontier Tanzania East Usambara Forest Research Programme – Conducting baseline biodiversity assessments of wet forests in Tanzania.
1993 Uganda The Society for Environmental Exploration Science Coordinator Frontier Uganda Game Park Research Programme. Initiation and supervision of science programmes in Uganda.
1988 – 1989 South Africa Project Trust Biology and Maths Teacher St. Ansgar’s school, Roodeport/Soweto, S. Africa.